F-ace Ocean
Exports | USA ACE Filing
We know that 2020 will be the year CBP will make Export Filing mandatory, for Ocean and Rail.
Flagship Trade Net was the First Service center to be certified for Exports Filing with CBP.
So What Does this mean for me?
For Ocean Shipments, the Export filing should be submitted 24-hours prior to vessel Loading.
How do I prepare?
Flagship Trade Net will happily prepare your company for Automated Export Filing. We will set up your database, and train you staff.
The F-Ace Ocean is SaaS-based, hosted on the cloud, that can be accessed, and used through any device with an internet connection. This means there is no installation locally - this provides an easier access, more security and our systems are up and running 24/7/365.
These capabilities include submitting manifests to Customs and automated processing of notifications and status updates. These manifests can be entered manually or electronically via EDI-309, CAMIR or various other flat file formats. Status notifications are processed automatically and can be sent to the customer contacts via e-mail or text messages.
Let's Chat
The Ocean export manifest pilot was published via Federal Register Notice Vol. 80, No 161.
The Rail export manifest pilot was published via Federal Register Notice Vol 80, No 174.
F-ace Exports User Manual
Contact us for password to access our user manual.
Customer Testimonials
Flagship’s F-ace Export filing system is a stress relief. It is very user friendly and easy maneuver. Looking for a previously submitted bill is easy to retrieve. If you enter incorrect data, the system lets you know immediately. Best decision and money well spent.
— Janet
We have been utilizing Flagship EEM filing system since May of 2017. We began using the system in anticipation of the CBP enforcement of mandatory electronic export filings. What we did not expect is the ease of implementation and amount of administrative time and costs saved from eliminating paper Bills of Lading. The storage of the data is maintained electronically in this system which reduces our administrative time, compliance concerns and data storage costs. We also have the satisfaction and peace of mind having proof of submissions.
The customer support and technological teams at Flagship not only helped us with implementation but have been a source of continued guidance to streamline our processes. We highly recommend this program and that carriers and users to get ahead of the game before CBP goes into the compliance phase of EEM filings. — Shannon
Manifest data entry, amendments, submissions, status notifications, releases, holds, ITN, exemptions, departures.
Secondary Notify Party (SNP) processing.
Various inquiry options, such as lookups by bill of lading number or container number.
Automated e-mail lists can be configured for various notification purposes such as status updates by disposition code or specific bill of lading number.
Automated alerts via e-mail or text can be used to notify the customer if there any problems with their submissions.
Secure, AWS cloud infrastructure, Daily Backups, SSL encrypted tunneling with login and password procedures and user-specific menus determine which options are assigned.
Dashboard functionality provides individually customized listings for the latest bill statuses and messages received from CBP. Cargo Systems Messaging Service (CSMS). Announcements from CBP are also listed.
Filing capabilities for carriers, agents and other participants.
Multiple reporting options to PDF or EXCEL format plus Manifest Prints (U.S. Customs form 1302A). Customized forms are also available.
Container status messages (CSM) can be created manually within Flagship-ace or can be uploaded electronically and sent to CBP.
EDI data sharing, send manifest data or status updates to EDI-partners via EDI-310 and EDI-315 formats.
Activity Logs and submission reports record information for each transmission to CBP.
MQ Message Transmission, secure data transmission connection to CBP via Cisco VPN/MQ Series.
Dashboard01Last Bill Status, Messages from CBP all from one central area.B/Lading List02View by voyage, portpair with bill statusConfigurable Tables03Add or Remove columns from table viewsOne Page B/Lading Insert04Easy manual entry,all from one pagePDF Documents05On screen and pdf reports and print outs.24/7 Customer Support0624/7 Customer Support and on screen help tours